the lillienne

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Puerto Rico

There is a charismatic energy that dances with your soul on this special island. From the very beginning when I met my significant other, I had always heard about how beautiful the island of Puerto Rico was. My significant other (I know, I haven’t shared about this one yet….. it’s coming in a future blog) — surprised me and took me to his special island. A part of my heart is still sitting there with him on the farm he calls home. While the island wears scars from hurricanes— PR stands timeless and vibrant, lively, and remains resilient. Magical that such a place riches through time and has the aura to charm you.

It’s easy to forget that you’re only a flight away from the U.S. mainland. We spent a week, which in island time, equates to a month. It’s easy and effortless here, and I still have yet to discover more. So for my first trip to Puerto Rico, and yours *wink wink*, here are all the reasons, places, and food you must add to your list.

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No Passport needed to escape to this magical island . logistically easy yet that doesn’t mean its devoid of it’s own culture . Puerto Ricans, or puertorriqueños, have an intermingled Spanish, U.S., and Afro-Caribbean culture . San Juan has salsa culture—feel it in the live music surrounding you . Street art in abundance . Scooters are the best way to get around after walking . Rent a car to explore more of the island . So there’s San Juan . And then go back in time in Old San Juan . visit El Batey Bar in Old San Juan for a Cuba Libre . aka,a Rum classic . La Perla in Old San Juan has a story that you can feel when you pass it . tropical climate with little seasonal variation . Plaza’s at every corner reconnect people . Puerto Rico is the archipelago in the Caribbean Sea . an island only 100 miles long and 35 miles wide . Vibrant . Pastel colored buildings . Pastilles . El Morro fortress at the edge of the city . The real magic of Puerto Rico is in the people—passionate, charismatic, hospitable, and joyful . You’ll feel like you belong . Grab my hand and salsa dance with me . Flavorful . isla de encanto . turquoise waters . Listen to Soja while you cruise . the mist of the mountains . November to May preferred . Or do rainy season for a different energy . mow on cheese-filled pastries . no dollar exchange necessary . O:LV boutique hotel for a sunset rooftop drink . Marmalade was named Best Wine Bar . little Caribbean island, big heart . colonial city . athleisure wear here but make it edgy . A little bumper to bumper traffic means roll down your windows and just listen to life happening around you . cobblestone roads lined by bright and colorful buildings . stop into El Batay and find our love note left behind . Juan and Lillienne were here . also take a shot of mezcal here . It has a divey pirates bar kind of feel . Music is in this island’s veins. Bomba, salsa, merengue, bachata, reggaeton . the perfect all-around island . Vianda, their bread was phenomenal and a delicious place for dinner . Tostones is mashed plantain formed into patties and fried aka a fry lover’s dream . Fresh coconut water . La Plaza del Mercado de Santruce aka fruits and vegetable market . Oriental was a new word for me, preface, i’m Asian . bioluminescent bays should be on your bucket list . add Cultura Profetica to your playlist . Real Pirate of the Caribbean as the legend goes . Largest Rum distillery is in Catano, PR . aka, Casa Bacardi . Locals choose Ron del Barrito . Condado is a great area to stay so you’re close to Old San Juan . Isla Verde . Castillo de San Cristóbal . Santaella is sexy as f*#k, and delicious on the tastebuds . Ps, make reservations . Spanish first, but English will get you by . But really try to immerse yourself . it’s a beautiful experience, I promise .

Alcapurrias from yucca (ground beef wrapped in sweet plantains) . Hidden gems in parking garages like a restaurant named Jetli for your vegan food needs . take your time here, don’t rush . Life mantra — repeat this . take your time . Mofongo (mashed plantains, fried, surrounds a variety of fillings) . Pique (hot sauce) . I prefer lotssss of Pique . go to La Concha specifically for the nachos poolside . then get two shots of mezcal because it pairs perfectly . then dip in the pool with your lover and romance each other . About a block down visit El Corner juice bar for two reasons, their empanadallias and two, the fact that the woman there is the hardest working woman we saw . Walk another fifteen minutes and go to Sobao by Los Cidrines because the pollo empanadallias here was delicious . Extra Pique on it . Enjoy a Spicy Mezcalita at La Penúltima cocktail bar . Faro Punta-Higuesras Lighthouse in Rincon is a great spot for dreamy sunsets . Spanish colonial history . Culebra island has quaint B&B’s and Mom-and-Pop style eateries . Rincon is perfect for surfers and sunsets . There once was a horse named Lola . (she wasn’t a show girl) . The pollo in PR just tastes different . the best kind of different . Tostada con pan de agua (buttered and toasted bread), for dessert order a quesito (cheese filled pastry) . You will regret not ordering this . The rain won’t last long, dance in it . La Perla in Old San Juan, located next to El Morro . Murals to live vicariously through time . listen to Farrago— song title is Pepas for the ultimate fly into Puerto Rico song . also, new rule, hear the song, take a shot because we said so . Why did the rooster cross the road? . Rent a car and just drive . the best fresh juice (jugo) I ever had .

Arroz con habichules is a meal I can do over and over, and over again . Ps, that’s rice and beans . Casita Miamar is best for traditional Puerto Rican Cuisine . The Puerto Rican flag is displayed proudly here . Stray kittens are gentle . “Muchas Gracias” will go a long way here . Pass through Ponce, or maybe stay a while . we flew over El Yunque National Rain forest . you should do a trek through the lush foliage of El Yunque . hidden little gems . the Mr surprised me with an island hopping flying adventure . I’m the luckiest gal in the world . visit La Factoria for creative cocktails . Ps, it made it on World’s top 50 bars . Iglesias de San Jose (Church of San Jose) is one of the oldest churches in the Americas located in Old San Juan . Christmas here hits differently . Rellenos de papa are potatoes stuffed with ground beef and deep fried to create a crispy outer layer . Shipping container party at La Marquesa at night, food hall by day . Maybe get lucky like we did and see Blondish perform . Jose Enrique is said to be delicious . sushi as an option on our bottle service table was brilliant (@ La Marquesa) . The Vanderbilt for a dreamy stay . Lechon (the ultimate roasted piggy) . escaped the heart of PR to come home with my lover in Yuaco . a dreamy farm gem made for memories . The birds sing here . Opened the fridge at the farm and there were two perfectly chilled Medalla (beers) . It was meant to be . Saúde . Mountains and beaches combine the best of both worlds . Rincon has record-breaking waves here . Pastelillo (similar to an empanadilla but with a thiner dough that is crimped at the edges and fried) .

Took a surprise private flight to tour the Islands —Culebra , Culebrita & Vieques  . fifty shades of blue . island life has no such thing as time . Coqui’s (little tree frogs) that are heard everywhere but yet mysteriously yet to be seen . San Felipe del Morro castle and fort is spectacular and great for watching families fly kites . remnants of hurricane Maria still exist . Pack your sunblock, the sun here hits different . Flamenco is a beach on Culebra island . you didn’t go to Flamenco beach if you didn’t instagram yourself with abandoned rusted army tanks sitting at the shore as a memorial . PR coffee is among the best in the world because of weather and soil conditions . lechoneras are open air restaurants specializing in slow-roasting whole pigs . the flowers here are every girls bouquet dream . La Placita is a farmer’s market during the day . but La Placita is a cultural epicenter at night . Jungle Bird for happy hour and bites . ¡Arriba, abajo, al centro, pa' dentro! . Up, down, center, inside . Cheers! Essentially . La Guancha Boardwalk . Bad Bunny BaaaaaayBE . Cuchifritos (refers to various fried foods) are a fried lovers heaven snack . Go back to La Penúltima cocktail bar, buy the last hour out and enjoy life with friends . experience a sold out Bad Bunny performance with 50,000 people . checked that off our bucket list . Puerto Rico you know how to throw a party . Fried platanos . Santurce . have friends tell you childhood stories while you enjoy a delicious bowl of Asopao (rice and soup, similar to a gumbo) . Three main islands are habitable, and then there are a handful of islands where no one lives on besides animals . Kinda dreamy no? . Did you know that PR competes as an “independent nation” in the Olympics and Miss Universe? . Piña colada was invented in San Juan . WWII history remnants . historical Castillo San Felipe del Morro . Get caught in a two minute rainstorm but soak it up . Puerto Rican flag door for the instagram moment . have another perfectly chilled medalla (beer) because life is beautiful .

and if you’re lucky like me you’ll find a handsome half Irish, half Puerto Rican and fall in love.

with love,